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An MCR community effort to unite fans and to promote MCR through frequent question-guided twitter chats. Chats occur twice weekly. Not affiliated w/ band.
Tags: MCRchat
October 08, 2011
12:00 PM EST

#MCRchat is a question-guided chat for fans of My Chemical Romance that occurs twice weekly.

Originally created as an MCRmy promotional project , the chat has grown into a tool that helps bring fans of all kinds together through their passion for My Chemical Romance's music and message.

Chats occur twice weekly:
Friday 7-9 p.m. EST
Saturday 12-2 p.m. EST

(Times are fixed unless announced otherwise.)





How does it work, anyway?

During designated chat times, I ask MCR-related questions. Using the tag #MCRchat, users turn Twitter's search into a chat room. Check out the 'How To' Page. 

Tweets not showing up?

Twitter's API may not be indexing your tweets.
Here's how you can fix it.

If you have protected updates, your responses will not show up. You will have to unprotect your tweets for the duration of the chat.


Slow Connection/ Using a Mobile Device to chat?

If you prefer a more slow-connection-friendly way to chat than the #MCRchat tweetchat room, you can simply use the tag and search method on twitter.


Can someone be banned from #MCRchat?

Because #MCRchat is Twitter-based, I do not have the power to ban someone from it. However, if you are using Tweetchat, you can block users to your heart's delight. Read more...

**It is my personal suggestion that you simply block someone rather than starting conflict with him or her in the chat.

Do you know My Chemical Romance?

I do not know the members of My Chemical Romance, I am not a member of My Chemical Romance and am not affiliated with them in any way. I am merely a fan, just like you!

What is "Mikey-Gate?"

One time, Mikey Way joined #MCRchat.

What time is #MCRchat where I live?

Use this time zone converter. Convert from U.S.A New York to your time zone.

Hashtag: MCRchat
last 24hrs
1 : 00 AM

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